1:1 With Mariana
Mayan Nahual
The understanding of your Ch'umilal
The Essence of your star

Your Ch’umilal
This reading is an introduction to the nine energies of light that are part of your star, assisting you in your spirit's mission here on Earth.
According to my Mayan mentors, Ch’umilal (star), or Nahual refers to the spirit of our being, speaking to the energy of our soul, and providing us with insights about our life purpose.
Each day is governed by a Nahual, or guardian, whose purpose is to care for and nurture the essence of human life. This connection allows us to align with the source, using its energy to our advantage.
By learning to interpret this energy, we can harness its benefits effortlessly, as we naturally flow in harmony with the rhythm of Q’a te’ ulew (Mother Nature). Ch’umilal (star) represents our Nahual, the star we are born with. We are here to incarnate it and allow its essence to sprout within us. We contain the seed of this essence, and our purpose is to become that star and shine its light.
The Ch’umilal helps us understand that our gifts and mission in life are to help others shine their stars and grow, much like the sun, each in their unique way. As we mature into adulthood, the light of our star transforms into our passion, love, and partnerships. We are here to polish our light and our Nahual assists us in this process.
What is the essence of your light?
What is guiding you on this earth?
What is driving your sacred work?
From Light to the Matter:
We are gifted an incarnation here on Earth
The truest medicine that our Mayan Ancestors have left us as a legacy is the Medicine of time. Understanding that each new day has a light that bears a new energy. To understand our own means we are able to unveil our truest potential. To reveal our truest essence and integrate it to how we walk, how we work, how we overcome our challenges, and how evolve.
The truest radience of our vibrational energy is our authenticity. This Ancestral lecture is meant to assist us in our path to that purest form of brightness. To be in harmony with it, so that we can be in harmony with everything else.
Meet your Guide, Mariana

My journey with the Mayan Calendar began in 2011, in the midst of the Academic Libraries at the University of Texas. I studied under Dr. David Stuart the many Sacred Calendrical cycles of the Mayans, and my curiosity began to grow. In 2022, I took a pilgrimage to Guatemala to study and learn more about the Mayan Cosmovision alongside the medicine of cacao with Tata Izaias and Nana Izabel. From then on, I have dedicated myself to the understanding and workings of the sacred Chol Q’ij .
It is with great privilege and humility that I am offering Mayan Nahual readings. With the permission of my mentors, teachers, and friends, I aim to assist people on their path. This dedication takes time, and with permission, I intend to keep learning as my path unfolds with the shared energies of time.
I write this and give thanks to all the Aj Q’ij’ab who have helped and supported me along the way and to the ancient Maya astronomers and scribes who captured the movements of the celestial heavens and translated them into divine systems of timekeeping.
With Love,

What is Included
1:1 Mayan Nahual Lecture and Guidance with Mariana.
Our time is approximately 2 hrs
Self Reflective questions
Somatic Practices
Lecture Recording for future reference
Your Mayan Cross chart for reference
Video Explanation on the Mayan cosmovision
One Integration Session

"I highly recommend this reading. Very insightful and engaging. I'm so glad I decided to book a reading!"
- Adelaida